
Today's data

This page shows a summary of the data since midnightlocal time
Temperature and humidity
High Temperature8.0 °Cat 00:00
Low Temperature6.6 °Cat 04:31
Temperature Range1.4°C 
High Apparent Temperature4.7 °Cat 00:02
Low Apparent Temperature0.8 °Cat 01:36
High Heat Index8.0 °Cat 00:00
Low Wind Chill3.5 °Cat 03:16
Maximum dew point5.0 °Cat 00:11
Minimum dew point3.0 °Cat 01:29
High Humidity82%at 00:07 
Low Humidity73%at 01:29
Heat degree days2.3 
Cool degree days0.0 
Rainfall Rate Max0.0 mm/hrat 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall0.0 mmat 00:00
Current Wet Spell2 Day 
Current Dry Spell0 Day 
Highest Gust24 mph/hrat 01:27
Highest Speed (10 minute average)17 mph (F4)at 01:36
Wind bearing282°at 01:27
Dominant DirectionWNW 
Wind Run46.2 miles 
Beaufort scaleF4Moderate breeze
Pressure (sea level)
High Pressure1018.5 mbat 04:30
Low Pressure1013.5 mbat 00:00

Page updated : 06/12/2024 04:53:36
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1089)

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WestonWeather is funded entirely by me and costs hundreds of £ s a year to maintain and run the hardware.
Please donate to help with the ongoing running costs.

WestonWeather is funded entirely by me and costs hundreds of £ s a year to maintain and run the hardware. Please donate to help with the ongoing running costs.